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For products that perform flawlessly in punishing environments that fit your budget.
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Our Expertise Matters to You
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Our Standard and Custom Products
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What We Can Do For You
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Diagram illustrating Kaizen Method of Continuous Improvement

When precision is paramount and consistency is critical, we understand; that’s why we’ve been in business for over 45 years.  We are a world class manufacturer of HIGH QUALITY standard and custom products for an international clientele of Equipment Manufacturers, Panel Assemblers and System Integrators.  Our skilled professionals will listen, design and create the high quality parts you need, AT THE RIGHT PRICE.

Our exceptional Customer Service provides superior support that is EASY, ACCURATE & STRESS-FREE.   We collaborate with our customers, streamlining the onboarding process and ensuring the highest attention to the details to every application.  With a KAIZEN APPROACH, we guarantee precise Quality Assurance and Quality Control measures at every step during the manufacturing process.

Mci Limited simplifies your job with our exclusive PRECISE POWER SOLUTIONS including:
⇨ Class 2 Transformers
⇨ Toroid Transformers
⇨ Multi-pulse & 400hz Inductors
⇨ Various PC & Chassis Mounts
⇨ International Transformers
⇨ Auto Transformers
⇨ Solenoid Coils
⇨ Custom magnetics
⇨ Industrial Transformers
⇨ Cast Epoxy Coils
⇨ Brake Coils
⇨ Planar Magnetics
Talk to one of our Design Solution Specialists today!  Learn more About Us.

We accept North American and International orders. Get a quote fast!
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